Organizing around issues student workers think are worth fighting for.

Dealing with post-strike retaliation?

In an attempt to intimidate workers and prevent us from taking future collective labor action, the UC is retaliating against workers in our union for engaging in protected strike activity. This retaliation is coming in the form of wage theft, threatening written warning letters, and notices of intent to fire workers. If you’re facing retaliation of any kind, fill out this form. Check out this FAQ if you have questions about this repression.

Info about our 2024 Strike

On Monday, May 20th, UC Santa Cruz, “UC’s most striking campus,” was the first to “stand up” in UAW 4811’s ULP strike. We walk out knowing the heat is concentrated on us, expecting admin to be more aggressive than in 2022, while also knowing there is a tidal wave of support behind us.

The week before, thousands of graduate and academic workers at the University of California voted to strike their work in defense of the right to protest in support of the people of Gaza and Palestine. The strike vote came after police and Zionist groups attacked pro-Palestinian protests and encampments at campuses in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Irvine.

It also followed a walk out at UC Santa Cruz on international workers day, heeding the call for solidarity strikes. This call came from the Gaza Branch of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, in coordination with the group, Workers in Palestine.

The striking workers are demanding: Divestment from companies profiting from the occupation, including weapons manufacturers and military contractors benefiting from the war on Gaza; Disclosure of all investments and provision of alternative funding for workers seeking to leave positions funded by sources complicit in the war on Gaza, such as the US Department of Defense; Full amnesty for all students and workers and the absolute guarantee of their rights to freedom of expression and collective protest.

We, academic workers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, understand that this genocide is a war on the Palestinian people and Palestinian workers—academic workers among them. We know that our strike appears rather insignificant in the context of the horrific massacres. But we hope the echo of our voice reaches the labor movement throughout the world, and pushes our comrades elsewhere towards material action.

Solidarity from us to Gaza, Palestine and its people. We draw our strength from your strength, our resolve from your resolve, our integrity from your integrity.

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