Solidarity with our struggle

In an attempt to intimidate workers and prevent us from taking future collective labor action, the UC is retaliating against workers in our union for engaging in protected strike activity. This retaliation is coming in the form of wage theft, threatening written warning letters, and notices of intent to fire workers.

In response to this retaliation, workers within and outside of higher education have reached out to offer their support. Below, you’ll find a selection of the solidarity letters that we’ve received.

From Adult School Teachers United

28 September 2024

Whereas  ASTU [Adult School Teachers United] has received a request for solidarity from UAW 4811 UC Santa Cruz  stating that “in the wake of the 2024 University of California UAW 4811 workers strike for Palestine, UCSanta Cruz’s administration is taking drastic retaliatory measures.  Thus far, the UC’s retaliation to the strike has included disciplinary letters to hundreds of workers, wage garnishment of these workers, and, just several weeks ago, an ”intent to fire” four workers—which would effectively bar them from completing their degrees. As the UC attempts to divide and scare workers through individual disciplinary action, we resolve to stand united.”

And whereas on June 8, 2024 ASTU’s Executive Board adopted the following motion:

   “Consistent with our [membership] resolution of Jan 27 calling for a permanent ceasefire and the equal right of Palestinians and Jews to live on the lands of Palestine-Israel,

a) ASTU supports the UC UAW Academic Workers ULP strike protesting the attacks on and arrests of peaceful pro-Palestine encampments.  University policy directly threatens worker and student rights of free speech and assembly and aids the continuationof Israel’s attack on Rafah in violation of the International Court of Justice order.  

b) We strongly oppose the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO/Injunction) issued by an Orange County Superior Court judge trying to break the strike by ordering the strikers back to work after PERB twice refused such an injunction.  Such government actions to illegalize a strike can be defeated, as shown by the Red for Ed teacher strikes.”

Be it resolved:  That ASTU demands of the UCSC administration and of the entire UC system statewide that all disciplinary proceedings be dropped against UAW workers who went on strike in defense of the pro-Palestine encampments and for worker and student rights of free speech and assembly.  Any further attempt to fire  the two UCSC workers still facing termination must cease immediately.