
UC, UC, you can’t hide!
Our strike’s going UC-wide!

UC, UC, you can’t hide!
We can see your greedy side!

Janet, Janet, we can’t stand it!
Give us COLA, we demand it!

Cops off campus,
COLA in my bank account!

Cindy, Cindy, don’t be stingy!
Lori, Lori, share your money!

My neck! My back!
The UC is whack!

Students and workers unite!
One struggle, one fight!

UC, UC, you’re no good!
Pay your workers like you should!

We need fair pay!

UC must pay!

Education is under attack!
What do we do?
Stand up fight back!

Workers’ rights are under attack!
What do we do?
Stand up fight back!

Up, up, up with the workers!
Down, down, down with the bosses!

Show me what community looks like?
This is what community looks like!

Show me what democracy looks like?
This is what democracy looks like!

We are unstoppable!
Another world is possible!

The people
will never be divided!

Out of the classrooms,
Into the streets!
Out of the dorms,
Into the streets!
Out of the labs,
Into the streets!
Off of the bus,
Into the streets!
Off of the sidewalks,
Into the streets!

Hey hey, ho ho!
UC greed has got to go!

Hey hey, ho ho!
Doomsday threats have got to go!

Hey hey, ho ho!
Fire Napolitano!

We ready!
We comin!

Hey Lori, step off it!
Put people over profit!

UC, step off it!
Put people over profit!

Se ve! Se siente!
El pueblo está presente!

La policía! La migra!
La misma porquería!

Who do you serve?
Who do you protect?

No justice,
No peace!
Fuck the police!

No justice,
No peace!
No campus police!

Who runs the UC?
We run the UC!


Ain’t no power like the power of the people cuz the power of the people don’t stop! (Say what?!)

What do we want?
When do we want it?

Whose university?
Our university!

UC UC used to be free!

UC-wide solidarity!

Students and workers unite!
One struggle, one fight!

Money for housing, not the police!

Janet, Janet, take a hike!
Now’s the time for a general strike!

One day longer,
One day stronger!

All the UCs across the state
Stand up! Don’t retaliate!

I believe that we will win!
(repeat, faster and faster)

Together, unite!
Celebrate the strike!

Together, we fight
STEM won’t break the strike!

Faculty are here to say
We can’t teach without TAs!

Everywhere we go
People wanna know
Who we are
So we tell them
We are the students/wildcats
The mighty mighty students/wildcats
Fighting for justice
And liberation

Student strikers are freedom fighters
Who taught me how to fight
We’re gonna fight all day and night until we get it right
Which side are you on my friends?
Which side are you on?