February 2nd – Information About Delayed Paychecks (UC Path)

To UCSC administrators, UCPath representatives, and UCSC graduate students,

Several graduate students were notified on Thursday and Friday that their paychecks would be delayed because of flaws in UCPath (click here to learn about problems with UCPath). Graduate students, like other low wage workers in Santa Cruz, typically live paycheck to paycheck, and our income stays in our bank account just long enough to pay our rent. This means that there are many graduate students who have just learned that their rent check will bounce (and thus, have to pay additional fees). This is just one more example of the vulnerabilities graduate students face at current wage levels.  

Graduate students have been underfunded for years, and the current system is unsustainable (despite the meager “needs-based scholarship” that Chancellor Larive announced last week). It should not be surprising that under these conditions the system will break, as we have witnessed over the last two months. Graduate students are now organizing for a full strike. Wildcat strikes historically arise out of unbearable conditions, and are a reflection of the collective power of workers who can’t take it anymore (learn about other wildcat strikes by clicking here). The UC has the power to change the lives of thousands of workers and students; on our campus, graduate students and the campus community are holding the UC accountable to enacting necessary change.
To GSIs, TAs, tutors, and readers: If you were not paid in full, please fill out this form (click here) or contact me so that I can file a grievance on your behalf (learn more about grievances related to UCPath by clicking here). Because our union only currently represents GSIs, TAs, tutors, and readers, I can only file a grievance on behalf of these student workers. However,all graduate students should request a same day pay check from the UCPath office (based on their recommendation from the December GSA/UAW meeting): contact payhelp@ucsc.edu or (831) 459-2488.

Veronica Hamilton, M. A.