This is not 10 people. This is the entire K7 unit of the AFSCME union, who represents plumbers, electricians, HVAC mechanics, and carpenters. They are the people who fix things on campus.
Their picket line is different than most AFSCME strikes. They want students to cross the picket, and they want “business as usual.” You will soon notice that “business as usual” is not possible without these workers, because everything is going to break. To report a light bulb out, a toilet clog, a room being too cold or hot, call 831-459-4444 or report online to place a work order.
K7 workers have not been given a raise for three years now and they are looking for back pay and a living wage. These workers pride themselves on their services and they will happily fix everything the moment they are given a fair contract.
These workers’ signs read “workers+students united” and “secure future for all” – they recognize the interconnectedness of our struggles. We all need to be paid a living wage. We all need a COLA. Check out the grad grading strike updates at
solidarity forever,