February 20, 2020
Dear grads,
Tomorrow will be big. Undergrads, faculty, lecturers, STEM, and townies are all marching for COLA and joining us at the base of campus for a rally.
Contact your sections and invite undergrads to the march starting at 11am in Quarry plaza tomorrow, Feb 21. Let your students know that TAs engaged in the strike for a living wage might get fired and need undergrad support. We’ve seen incredible solidarity from undergrads since we first went on strike and this movement would not be possible without them!
Reach out to your departments, text your friends, and turn out yourself! Picket starts at 7:30 and after everyone marches for COLA to the base of campus, we’ll have a big rally at 1PM.
We encourage everyone to wear costumes–let’s have fun before having to make a serious collective decision at the General Assembly (Friday, 4:30PM, Oaks 105).
Solidarity forever which is way past Doomsday!
Striking Graduate Students
STEM will meet at 10:45 am in the E2 courtyard and walk together to the quarry plaza to join the undergrads.
Everyone is welcomed!
United we fight. STEM won’t break the strike!