December 14th – Original Letter to Faculty Regarding Admin Grading Poll (See Update)

Be sure to read the update here

Dear [Department] faculty,

      It has come to our attention that the administrators are circulating a Google poll in order to ascertain how much grading information you have in your possession.

      ACTION ITEM: we are writing to ask that you do not fill out the poll. Alternatively, you can show support by filling out the poll to indicate that you are not in possession of any grading information.

      The administration’s purpose is twofold: they are trying to gauge how effective our action will be on the 18th, and they are laying the groundwork to request that you circumvent our action in order to get grades in on time. Such a request would, of course, mean that you are being asked to do extra work that you are not contractually obligated to do.

      The results of this poll, in other words, will only be used to undermine our action– to diminish public perception of the significance of TA labor in the functioning of the university, and to try and fracture the solidarity that faculty have demonstrated with us.

      Thank you for your continued support and solidarity.