Letter to Lecturers, Workers, & Staff

February 19, 2020

Dear UCSC lecturers, workers, and staff,

We know that you cannot show your solidarity with graduate students in
all the ways you want to.

We know that it pains you to have to cross our picket line to make
sure you can pay rent and put food on the table.

We know that our strike has impacted you, whether by creating more
labor for you, slowing your commute, or otherwise inconveniencing you.

We know that workers and staff have faced intimidation from the
administration, and that some have been threatened with docked pay
because of impacts of the strike.

We know that lecturers face a particular form of precarity, absent
many protections we and others on this campus enjoy, and that even if
you want to cancel classes to support us, you might not be able to.

We want lecturers, workers, and staff to know that we appreciate you.

We want you to know that we see and cherish your efforts to support us.

We thank you for the risks you are taking to aid us.

Love & Solidarity Forever,
Striking Graduate Students